「衝擊管治」的 newspeak 假判辭

中國港區嘅 Kangaroo court 唔會令人失望。「衝擊」、「管治」都係 newspeak。Newspeak 嘅本質就係政治口號。普通法制度下,判辭正常唔會有政治口號,所以一係呢篇係假判辭,一係香港再無普通法制度。



大英百科全書記載: Types of newspeak in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four include the elimination of certain words or the removal of unorthodox meanings from certain words; the substitution of one word for another (e.g., uncold instead of warm and ungood instead of bad); the interchangeability of the parts of speech, such that any word in the language could be used as either noun, verb, adjective, or adverb (e.g., the word cut no longer existed, and the term knife acted as both noun and verb, as in the sentence “She knifed the bread”); and the creation of words for political purposes (e.g., goodthink, meaning “orthodoxy” or “to think in an orthodox manner”).

未來自由香港教育部如果出字典,可以標明呢兩隻字係 newspeak,例句直接引以上「判辭」。 See also, Glossary of Nazi Germany



Drastic measures

The prevalence of ignorance among us warrants some drastic measures.